
Flour/Rice | Seasoning | Vegetable | Miscellaneous This page is mainly for non-Chinese cookers. The purpose of this page is to intruducing the non-regular/rare-seen ingredients for non-Asian. They can be find in most Asian Supermarket. I will post a link from wiki on each ingredients if I can find one. Hopefully this will help you understand these ingredients better. Please let me know if you have any questions about them. Flour/Rice Sweet Rice Flour White Rice Flour Seasoning Oyster Sauce Palm Sugar Potassium Carbonate Solution Rice Wine Star Anise Zanthoxylum Vegetable Black Fungus (Wood Ear) Chinese Chive Cowpea Daikon Garlic Leaves Luffa Napa Cabbage Winter Melon Miscellaneous Cellophane Noodle Dried Shrimp Nori Preserved Pork